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What exactly is TRX training?

TRX stands for total body resistance exercises. This is a regimen where you use heavy-duty adjustable straps, handles and foot cradles for suspension training to make your workout more challenging. What sets it apart from other strength training workouts is, you use your bodyweight and gravity and not dumbbells or barbells to develop muscle mass, flexibility and core strength.

Why should I incorporate TRX fitness in my regimen?

If you're looking to build a lean, athletic body without using weights, there's no better method than this for upping your full-body strength. Even the simplest exercises like lunges, planks, pushups, bicep curls become more challenging when you use TRX straps. Let?s take a standard push-up. Since your center of gravity is always out of balance, it leaves you no choice but to engage your core, back, hips, and shoulders to stabilize yourself. You end up challenging several muscle groups during each exercise movement.

Sounds great, right? I'm not sure if TRX is for me

TRX sounds a lot more intimidating than it actually is. The truth is, everyone can do TRX. All you need is an appetite for challenging workouts and an open mind.

Training body weight exercise develops strength, balance, flexibility and core stability simultaneously. It requires the use of the TRX Suspension Trainer, a highly portable performance training tool that leverages gravity and the user's body weight to complete hundreds of exercises. TRX suspension training an all-in-one motion that combines strength and flexibility. Truth is, you don't have to use stacks of weights to build muscle. Suspension training uses your own body weight from different angles to engage more muscle groups at the same time. Think: something as simple as a chest press or bicep curl becomes a core-stabilization exercise. TRX trains for reactive stability, "If your core isnt tight, you'll lose balance on the straps. Bracing your core before you move becomes second nature. You're relying on your own ability to marry your center of gravity with your base of support". 

So, if you?re looking to build a lean, mean and athletic machine, it?s one of the best methods out there for full-body strength. Its versatility makes it is great for both beginners and athletes. And thanks to the infinite number of exercises that help to improve strength, balance, and flexibility, you'll never get bored of it


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